Showing posts from tagged with: where to buy a gun safe in qld

Good Quality Gun Safes

Posted by admin in Safes | 3 comments

There are a lot of safes out there, Bunnings sell them, Masters sell them, gun shops sell them, but there are safes and there are safes.  Some may offer a great comfort to you just because you have one, but is it secure, does it have a secondary locking system if they manage to damage and open the lock?  How much time will it take for someone to break into your safe?  This last question is the key, no safe can guarantee 100% security, with time and the right tools every safe is crackable.  But a good safe is what buys you the maximum amount of time.

Does it have secondary locking bolts that will not release when it detects the first locking system; the combination lock or key lock has been tampered with?

How thick is the door and sides, does it have cement component in the lining of the sides; this makes grinders useless on them or does it offer a 10mm of higher thickness = more time to cut through?

Is your safe positioned in a space where a crowbar can not be used to leverage the door open?

Is there no swinging room for a sledgehammer?  Yes they do, if you are asking whether they would.

There are two types of criminals, the opportunist who does little to no research on your property before attempting a breakin and the professional.  If you are targeted by an opportunist and you have a Masters or Bunnings safe for your rifles, guns or ammunition, then you may have a 50/50 chance of keeping your possessions, if they don't find your safe, if they are disturbed or they are the really stupid kind of opportunist criminals.  But....  if you get an opportunist who can scratch two sticks together, forget it, they are gone, in most cases these safes can be broken into in under 5 mins - 10 at a push.  There are many videos of kids cracking cheap safes.

Now among the best of the good quality gun safes, we recommend Guardall gun safes.

Guardall Safe range all come with internal carpet to protect your firearms and has a separate ammunition storage compartment in all of the gun safe range.  They also sell a small range of ammunition/hand gun safes.


This is the Guardall G2 and it can store up to 7 rifles


the G3 sells for approximately

and G3E for around


The ammunition safes range; variation in sizes to this model


Guardall G4E it holds 8-16 rifles and weighs 224kgs.

Please talk to us, Nathan is the man to ask for, about the gun safe range.

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